Easy Biofeedback in Virtual Reality
nowoczesny system

5 generacji. 

Product of Poland

According to many, Easy Biofeedback is the most innovative biofeedback system. Free access to updates and biofeeback in virtual reality, is available only with Easy Biofeedback. If you are interested in purchasing a device,please get in touch with us.

Easy Biofeedback a 5th generation system

Modern Biofeedback created based on innovative RMS technology, allowing even faster, more precise and, above all, more effective sessions. 

Biofeedback w Wirtualnej Rzeczywistości

Easy Biofeedback VR is a system that takes advantage of the full possibilities of virtual reality. Thanks to special VR goggles, we can experience completely new sensations, moving into a virtual world. 

Automatic difficulty setting

The Easy module precisely and automatically sets the difficulty level to the customer's needs. This technology developed by HPM has made working with biofeedback pleasant and harmonious. 

Genius wave

Easy Biofeedback ma możliwość pracy z tak zwaną falą geniuszu, czyli falą Gama. 

Certified courses

We organize reliable and professional certified 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree courses. They take place on the 1st weekend of every month.

We refund the course of training

When you buy an Easy Biofeedback device, we refund the cost of your training. The promotion includes the reimbursement of the training costs for 1 person. The promotion is valid only for courses in our HPM training centers. 

Szkolenia w 9 miastach w Polsce

Organizujemy szkolenia aż w 9 miastach w Polsce. Szkolenia odbywają się w każdy 1 weekend miesiące w Warszawie, Poznaniu, Szczecinie, Gdyni, Gliwicach, Bydgoszczy, Lęborku, Dzierżoniowie i Tychach.

Free online software updates

We provide free software updates, so you access new games and software features for free when we release them. 

We connect people with passion 


Development, people, knowledge, experience, innovations, modern technologies and revolutionary solutions are what HPM has to offer
A HPM – Łączy ludzi z pasją!!!

Easy module 

Only HPM Easy Biofeedback has an innovative system which can automatically set the difficulty level dla danego Klienta. Dzięki zastosowaniu trybu automatycznego, trener ma pewność, że the beams are set up  correcty and can focus on conducting training. 

Lepsza koncentracja

Easy Biofeedback training improves concentration, focus and attention. It allows you to calm down and relax faster and more effectively, and learn to control your emotions. It is a pleasant form of training aimed at a wide range of users. 

HPM Easy Biofeedback 
is a device that can work on the so-called "genius" or Gamma wave  

HPM Easy Biofeedback 

Easy Biofeedback jest skutecznym treningiem stosowanym m.in. przy:

  • difficulties in studying
  • problems with reading and writing 
  • problems in gaining mathematical skills
  • impulsivity and agression, as well as behavioral difficulties
  • problems with concentration
  • career burnout in management staff
  • the need to increase cognitive activity and intellectual
    capacity in students during exam season
  • with sport
  • emotional problems
  • relaxation 
  • calmness 
  • focus

HPM Easy Biofeedback nowoczesny aparat

5 generacji. 



  • difficulties at school
  • inclusive education, equalizing educational opportunities
  • supproting learning skills
  • supporting the study of foreign languages
  • support for specific skills like: reading, writing, logical thinking, auditory-language functions, verbal communication, concentration and memory


The proposed exercises, used with the Biofeedback training, are only a suggestion for carrying out training because there are so many ways to work with the equipment. The program includes ready-made training protocols designed for specific problems, but also allows you to create an individual training plan for a specific client. 


Free lifetime license with the purchase of our device!


For who?

  • for children with difficulties at school: issues with attention span, focus, dyslexia 
  • for children with difficulties in reading and writing 
  • in the case of problems at school 
  • for people with stressful lifestyles
  • for those learning foreign languages


  • improvement of motor coordination
  • better handling of emotions
  • reducing stress
  • improvement of concentration
  • better memory output
  • decrease in the number of spelling mistakes
  • improvement in communication
  • better use of your skills

HPM Easy Biofeedback

2 kanałowy 



  • 2 channel Easy Biofeedback signal booster with 6 built in "touch proof" ports which let you in any moment upgrade the 2 channel system to a 4 channel one without the need to exchange the device
  • Product of Poland
  • Entrance impedance at least 100 Mohm 
  • Input capacity no greater than 100pF 
  • 50 Hz noise supression filter ensuring the correct impedance response (representation of the waveform for a 10Hz square wave signal with notch filter on)
  • Frequency of data transfer (OWR) 2000 tries per second per channel 
  • the signal booster complies with safety standards in accordance with PN-EN 60601-1, 
  • Laptop (INTEL i5, SDD 256 GB, nVidia GTX, Windows 11) with additional LCD monitor
  • Intuitive and user-friendly Easy Biofeedback software system, available in Polish
  • zestaw plansz do prowadzenia treningu w technologii Virtual Reality which allow you to connect to Oculus goggles
  • Easy module umożliwia automatyczne ustawienie poziomu trudności w grze. Belki ustawiają się same i stale dostosowują poziom trudności. Istnieje możliwość zmiany online poziomu trudności, która natychmiast podczas prowadzenia treningu przekłada się na wynik w grze.
  • „Moduł Oddechowy” umożliwia automatyczne ustawienie poziomu wdechu i wydechu podczas prowadzenia treningu, co bezpośrednio zwiększa efektywność treningów. Możliwość dodawanie nieskończonych animacji. 
  • "Training progress" function allows you to compare results from training sessions
  • Recording waves on the basis of RMS calculations RMS
  • Zestaw elektrod miseczkowych (wszystkie elektrody umieszczone na głowie, łączne z elektrodą referencyjną i uziemiającą)
  • Intuitive, easy and user friendly software, available in polish, for registering client; checking correct electrode placement; controlling Easy Biofeedback game boards and creating reports. 
  • Plastic cup with opening to soak electrodes in physiological salt
  • Real-time impedance measurement and mapping [on-line] during training, continuously available on the trainers screen.
  • Możliwość rozbudowy systemu do 4 kanałów
  • Możliwość rozbudowy systemu o moduł wirtualnej rzeczywistości 
  • Tworzenie własnych indywidualnych montaży 
  • Możliwość wgrywania własnych zdjęć do systemu
  • Belka pomocnicza ułatwiająca odpowiednie ustawienie poziomu trudności 
  • Stale widoczny poziom 8 fal: Delta, Theta, Alfa, SMR, Beta1, Beta2, HiBeta, Gama
  • Możliwość wgrywania własnej muzyki do systemu Biofeedback
  • Żel przewodzący o pojemności 470g
  • Elektroda uziemiająca i referencyjna umieszczone na czepku
  • Nie wykorzystujemy elektrod usznych
  • Silikonowa niebieska obudowa zabezpieczająca wzmacniacz przed uszkodzeniem


The innovative Easy Biofeedback training system is a comprehensive solution aimed at a wide range of users. Get started with a 2-channel device, which allows you to, at any time, expand with 2 additional channels to create a 4-channel device.


Easy Biofeedback Cap

  • The cap is made of elastic material, used for scubadiving suits
  • Points from the 10/20 system are marked on the cap
  • All of the 10/20 system points should be correctly described
  • The cap is equipped with specialist clips for cup electrodes
  • The cap is equipped with holes to easily apply the EEG gel 
  • The cap has a chin strap to easily maintain it on the head
  • Cap in size M (48-54 cm) in red
  • 470g Conductive gel
  • Syringe with pipette for gel application

New Easy Biofeedback functions:

  • Modern 5th generation device 
  • Intuitive and easy to use Polish software
  • Define your own training protocols
  • Online software updates
  • "Puzzle" game lets you upload your own photos to the game
  • "Film" game lets you upload and play YouTube videos of your choice
  • Plansza „Pszczoły” polega na zliczeniu pszczół wylatujących z ula i po 5 sekundach pojawia się wynik, ile pszczół faktycznie wyleciało z ula. Istnieje możliwość ustawienia dowolnej ilości wylatujących pszczół. 

Computer as standard

  • Laptop o parametrach IntelCore i5, grafika nVidia GTX, Windows 11, SSD 266 GB
  • Laptop included in every set

Monitor as standard

  • 24 inch LED display 
  • Monitor included in every set

HPM Easy Biofeedback 

4 kanałowy 



This innovative Biofeedback training system is a comprehensive solutions, aimed at a wide range of users. It functions precisely in all conditions, letting you achieve spectacular results during Easy Biofeedback training sessions.



  • 4 channel Easy Biofeedback signal booster with 6 permanently built in "touch proof" entries
  • Product of Poland
  • Entrance impedance at least 100 Mohm 
  • Input capacity no greater than 100pF 
  • 50 Hz noise supression filter ensuring the correct impedance response (representation of the waveform for a 10Hz square wave signal with notch filter on)
  • Frequency of data transfer (OWR) 2000 tries per second per channel 
  • the signal booster complies with safety standards in accordance with PN-EN 60601-1, 
  • Laptop (INTEL i5, SDD 256 GB nVidia, Windows 10) with additional LCD monitor
  • Intuitive and user-friendly Easy Biofeedback software system, available in Polish
  • zestaw plansz do prowadzenia treningu w technologii Virtual Reality which allow you to connect to Oculus goggles
  • Easy module umożliwia automatyczne ustawienie poziomu trudności w grze. Belki ustawiają się same i stale dostosowują poziom trudności. Istnieje możliwość zmiany online poziomu trudności, która natychmiast podczas prowadzenia treningu przekłada się na wynik w grze.
  • „Moduł Oddechowy” umożliwia automatyczne ustawienie poziomu wdechu i wydechu podczas prowadzenia treningu, co bezpośrednio zwiększa efektywność treningów. Możliwość dodawanie nieskończonych animacji. 
  • "Training progress" function allows you to compare results from training sessions
  • Recording waves on the basis of RMS calculations RMS
  • Zestaw elektrod miseczkowych (wszystkie elektrody umieszczone na głowie, łączne z elektrodą referencyjną i uziemiającą)
  • Intuitive, easy and user friendly software, available in polish, for registering client; checking correct electrode placement; controlling Easy Biofeedback game boards and creating reports.
  • Plastic cup with opening to soak electrodes in physiological salt
  • Real-time impedance measurement and mapping [on-line] during training, continuously available on the trainers screen. 
  • Możliwość rozbudowy systemu o moduł wirtualnej rzeczywistości
  • Tworzenie własnych indywidualnych montaży 
  • Możliwość wgrywania własnych zdjęć do systemu
  • Belka pomocnicza ułatwiająca odpowiednie ustawienie poziomu trudności 
  • Stale widoczny poziom 8 fal: Delta, Theta, Alfa, SMR, Beta1, Beta2, HiBeta, Gama
  • Możliwość wgrywania własnej muzyki do systemu Biofeedback
  • Żel przewodzący o pojemności 470g
  • Elektroda uziemiająca i referencyjna umieszczone na czepku
  • Nie wykorzystujemy elektrod usznych
  • Silikonowa niebieska obudowa zabezpieczająca wzmacniacz przed uszkodzeniem

Easy Biofeedback Cap

  • The cap is made of elastic material, used for scubadiving suits
  • Points from the 10/20 system are marked on the cap
  • All of the 10/20 system points should be correctly described
  • The cap is equipped with specialist clips for cup electrodes
  • The cap is equipped with holes to easily apply the EEG gel 
  • The cap has a chin strap to easily maintain it on the head
  • Cap in size M (48-54 cm) in red
  • 470g Conductive gel
  • Syringe with dull end pipette for gel application

New Easy Biofeedback functions:

  • Modern 5th generation device 
  • Intuitive and easy to use Polish software
  • Define your own training protocols
  • Online software updates
  • "Puzzle" game lets you upload your own photos to the game
  • "Film" game lets you upload and play YouTube videos of your choice
  • Plansza „Pszczoły” polega na zliczeniu pszczół wylatujących z ula i po 5 sekundach pojawia się wynik, ile pszczół faktycznie wyleciało z ula. Istnieje możliwość ustawienia dowolnej ilości wylatujących pszczół. 

Computer as standard

  • Laptop o parametrach IntelCore i5, grafika nVidia, Windows 11, SSD 266 GB
  • Laptop included in every set

Monitor as standard

  • 24 inch LED display 
  • Monitor included in every set

Intuitive and easy to use Easy Biofeedback software
Easy Biofeedback 


Stały pomiar

Measurement and mapping of signal impedance [on-line] in real time during training. Impedance is continuously visible on the trainers screen during training, there is no need to activate additional functions or buttons.


Easy module

Easy module automatically set the difficulty level Beams set themselves up independantly and continuously adjust the difficulty level. It is possible to chamge the difficulty level online so that it is immediately applied to the game during training.


Training progress

"Training progress" function, in the form of a numer and curve, forms a record of all 8 brain waves:  Delta, Theta, Alfa, SMR, Beta1, Beta2, Hi Beta, Gama.


Product of Poland

HPM Easy Biofeedback is 100% a product of Poland. We guarantee efficient service and technical support across the country. 



Easy and intuitive, user friendly Easy Biofeedbackdesigned for registering clients, ensuring correct electrode connesction, graph creation, controlling Easy Biofeedback games and creating reports. The software continuously allows for preview of all 8 waves in the form of bars on the trainers screen during training - Delta, Theta, Alfa, SMR, Beta1, Beta2, Hi Beta, Gama


Game set

A set of game boards for hosting training using Virtual Reality technology, allowing you to connect to Oculus goggles


New Easy Biofeedback functions:

  • Modern 5th generation device 
  • Intuitive and easy to use Polish software
  • Define your own training protocols
  • Online software updates
  • "Puzzle" game lets you upload your own photos to the game
  • "Film" game lets you upload and play YouTube videos of your choice
  • Gra „Pszczoły” polega na zliczeniu pszczół wylatujących z ula i po 5 sekundach pojawia się wynik, ile pszczół faktycznie wyleciało z ula. Istnieje możliwość ustawienia dowolnej ilości wylatujących pszczół. 

Description of sample games:




Aims of the game: the player must aim to make the kayak swim quickly, for there to be no rocks present and for the water to be calm. The speed of the kayak, presence of rocks and calmness of water are all representations of given waves depending on the selected protocol.


Parameter selection

Kayak speed Alfa, SMR, Beta 1, Gamma 
Rocks: Delta, Theta 
Calmness of water: Beta 2, Hi Beta




Aims of the game: the player must aim to make the sun grow, emit many rays and for there to be no clouds present. The smile of the sun, emission of rays and presence of clouds are all representations of given waves depending on the selected protocol.


Parameter selection

Smile: Alfa, SMR, Beta 1, Gamma 
Presence of clouds: Delta, Theta 
Emission of rays: Beta 2, Hi Beta

"Bow and Arrow" 



Aims of the game: the player must aim to as accurately as possible hit the centre of the target. The location of the viewfinder horizontally, vertically and sharpness of the field of view are all representations of given waves depending on the selected protocol.


Parameter selection

Vertical position of viewfinder: Alfa, SMR, Beta 1, Gamma 
Horizontal position of viewfinder: Delta, Theta 
Sharpness of the field of view Beta 2, Hi Beta




Aims of the game: the player must aim for the bathroom to be filled with bubbles, which float away from the bath. The size of the bubbles, their distance travelled from the bath and power of the stream of water are all representations of given waves depending on the selected protocol.


Parameter selection

Distance travelled from bath: Alfa, SMR, Beta 1, Gamma 
Size of bubbles: Delta, Theta 
Pressure of water from showerhead: Beta 2, Hi Beta




Aims of the game: the player must aim to correctly count the number of bees leaving the hive. The speed at which bees leave the hive, their direction of flight and frequency at which they leave the hive are all representations of given waves depending on the selected protocol.


Parameter selection

Speed of flight: Alfa, SMR, Beta 1, Gamma 
Direction of flight: Delta, Theta 
Frequency of leaving the hive: Beta 2, Hi Beta




Aims of the game: the player must aim to keep all the drones up high, by the ceiling. Each drone is a representation of a given wave depending on the selected protocol.


Parameter selection

Red drone: Alfa, SMR, Beta 1, Gamma 
Green drone: Delta, Theta 
Blue drone: Beta 2, Hi Beta




Aims of the game: the player must aim to keep the image large, without visible spots and for the sound to be audible. The image size, deformities and sound volume are all representations of given waves depending on the selected protocol.


Parameter selection

Image size: Alfa, SMR, Beta 1, Gamma 
Sound: Delta, Theta 
Image deformity: Beta 2, Hi Beta




Aims of the game: the player must aim to as quickly as possible put the puzzle together, for the picture to be light and not blurred. The speed, blurriness and brightness of the screen are all representations of given waves depending on the selected protocol.  


Parameter selection

Speed of puzzle completion: Alfa, SMR, Beta 1, Gamma 
Image quality: Delta, Theta 
Image brightness: Beta 2, Hi Beta




Aims of the game: the player must aim to quickly and steadily fly the plane in good weather. The presence of turbulence, changes of speed and changes to weather are all representations of given waves depending on the selected protocol.


Parameter selection

Speed of flight: Alfa, SMR, Beta 1, Gamma 
Turbulence: Delta, Theta 
Weather: Beta 2, Hi Beta




Aims of the game: the player must aim to be close to the window, for the image outside to be light and the curtains to be open. Proximity to the window, brightness of image and curtain movement are all representations of given waves depending on the selected protocol.


Parameter selection

Proximity to window: Alfa, SMR, Beta 1, Gamma 
Curtains: Delta, Theta 
Image brightness: Beta 2, Hi Beta

Level 1 and 2 certified Biofeedback training


Honest and practical training

We organise honest and proffesional training courses and workshops on the use of Biofeedback. They are lead by experienced specialists.



Honest and practical training

We organise honest and proffesional training courses and workshops on the use of Biofeedback. They are lead by experienced specialists.



70% of training is spent as practical classes

Nasze szkolenia są organizowane w formie praktycznych warsztatów, gdzie przekazujemy 100% najcenniejszej wiedzy dotyczącej prawidłowego prowadzenia treningu Easy Biofeedback. Wyznajemy zasadę, iż praktyka jest najważniejsza.



Training in small, personal groups

We organize training in small, personal groups, which guarantees an individual approach to each participant and the transfer of the most valuable knowledge to everyone. The maximum number of participants is 4/6 people.




We organise training courses across all of Poland

Istnieje możliwość zorganizowania szkolenia w każdym miejscu w Polsce. Nie musisz dojeżdżać do naszego ośrodka, aby odbyć szkolenie. Nie trać czasu na dojazd i pieniędzy na nocleg oraz koszt transportu. My przyjedziemy do Ciebie i przeprowadzimy indywidualne certyfikowane szkolenie.
Koszt szkolenia 2600 zł/os.
The only condition is to have at least 2 participants


Intense 2 day courses

  • In the space of 2 days you will gain all knowledge and practice essential for Easy Biofeedback training.
  • We put a lot of time and focus into practical work with our devices because we believe practice makes perfect.

Cena szkolenia w naszym ośrodku szkoleniowym to 1800 zł/os.

  • What sets us apart is the price of our training courses, our honesty and profesionalism as well as constant support for participants after training
  • We have an individual approach to each client

Get in touch with us

Please ask us a question about the product you are interested in

or call us on: +48 535 004 013 

Secure a reliable partner.

We are a rapidly growing company, providing a high standard of order handling and professional advice when choosing the best equipment. Additionally, we offer constant technical help and support for all our clients.

Contact us

We are at your disposal 24/7. We can offer you advice and suggestions; and answer all of your questions.

+ 48 516 067 765

+ 48 535 004 013

+48 661 589 253




Bobrowniki 83

26-903 Głowaczów 

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